You’ve had one of those days… you know bad news from a client, conflict with a peer, bad luck or timing on a crucial project, or whatever.

Bottom line, something went horribly wrong, and the rest of your day, week, or month may very well be determined by what you choose to do next.

Here then is a brief three-step approach that has proven to be quite useful over the years:

What’s done is done…

Is there some other action that you can take to reverse or alter the course of events? Would another call, meeting, letter, or other form of correspondence or action make a difference or produce a different result? If so, get it done NOW! If not, then proceed to the next step.

What can be learned from this experience?

In retrospect, would you have handled this situation differently if you had another chance? Is there a lesson to be learned? Would you be better prepared the next time having gone through this experience? Either way, look deep, find the silver lining (if there is one), make a mental note, and then…

Move on!

Don’t fret over this any longer and definitely don’t allow it to affect what happens next (other than what you’ve learned in steps one and two). It’s time to move on. Use what just happened as an inspiration for better outcomes in the future. No need for additional negative mental baggage. It’s time to put this behind you and focus on the next big thing… N E X T ! ! !





John Kypriotakis is the President of Lysis International,
a Tampa based Sales and Management consulting firm,
specializing in B2B Sales, Management and Leadership.

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