Successful Sales Meetings

Successful Sales Meetings

Another waste of time… Brain Drain session… Dreadful hour… Is this how your sales team describes what you had hoped was a productive, interactive, motivating, fun and exciting sales meeting? Are sales meetings in your organization seen as a necessary evil or a real...

Sales Channel Management

  What is “sales channel management,” and how can we implement it in an effective manner? Before we get too far into this discussion, let’s first identify the exact meaning of the word “channel” (courtesy of A course or pathway through which...

Third Party Marketing Research… But Why?

The advent of user-friendly, online survey tools has made customer research a reality for many companies that previously thought they could not afford it.  These tools make it easy for any company to obtain quick, inexpensive feedback from customers.   So, you might...
Dealing with Adversity

Dealing with Adversity

DEALING WITH ADVERSITY You’ve had one of those days… you know bad news from a client, conflict with a peer, bad luck or timing on a crucial project, or whatever. Bottom line, something went horribly wrong, and the rest of your day, week, or month may very well be...